Supporters and Friends

The Douglas Arthur Lowe Prism for Beauty on Earth Scholarship Fund would like to thank the following people for contributing to the scholarship fund with the intention of beginning a worthwhile cause:

Mr. Joseph P. Browne
Ms. Annie Bryson
Ms. Mary Bullock

Mr. Kwame K. Campbell
Mr. Parnes Cartwright
Dr. M.F. Collins and Ms. Marcia D. Collins

Mr. Charles T. Connell
Cornell University
Ms. Elizabeth Cox

Mr. James F. Cox III and Ms. Annie K. Cox
Mr. Jeffrey W. Cox
Ms. Thea Fielding-Lowe

Mr. & Mrs. Irving James Georges
Hall Funeral Services
Dr. Helen S. Han

Jackie Robinson Foundation
Ms. Leslie L. King
Mr. Philip & Nancy Kneese

Mr. Roland O. Laird
Ms. Javette P. Laremon
Mr. James H. Lee

Dr. Paul Lowe Sr
Dr. Nadine Cartwright-Lowe
Ms. Veronica M. Lowe

Ms. Joanne Marion
Ward J. Mazzucco, Esq.
Mr. Joseph D. McNeil

Robert O’Connor c/o Kim S. Connor
Ms. Michelle A. Prolux
Ms. Elaine Richards

Ms. Shirley Sibielski
Shelton High School Class of 2007

Ms. Lorraine Tayler
Mr. Michael Ullmann and Family
VA Newington Staff
West Elmwood Housing Development Corporation

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